Can mobile jammers really block communication services?

Is the use of mobile phones not allowed in large formal meetings? So how do they prevent the entry of mobile phones?

2021-04-02 at 10:30

Haque Sameer


Everyone hates mobile phones that disappear at inappropriate times, such as movies, classrooms, funerals (especially for those with pleasant disco ringtones), and of course religious services. Kenyan Muslims are happy to discover a device that blocks cell phone signals. Imams in Kenya have long complained in prayer that their mobile phones kept ringing and interrupted services.

Imam Hasan Kitty said that he bought the machine in Dubai and was welcomed by the congregation. A BBC reporter in northeastern Kenya said that other mosques around the town of Garissa are now trying to raise enough funds to purchase their equipment. If the phone rings during worship, the mosque will be fined $3.

But this does not solve the problem, Imam Sheikh Abi Aziz Mohamed told the BBC. He said: "I used this bossy method, but it didn't work. Some people are so poor that they can't even afford the airtime. I can't count on how much they will pay." Perhaps the most effective method is cell phone jammer, it can quickly and effectively block cell phone signals.

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