Microwave Vs Cell Phone Blocker

Some classmates pretended to work near the school and called 10086, saying that this Microwave Vs Cell Phone Blocker affects work, how can I get a mobile phone signal? The answer from the customer service is to wait for others to turn off cell phone jammer or move their location. If there is no signal within the coverage area, there is no way. The purpose of the school is to hope that everyone can take the exam with real strength. The leap-forward development of modern communication technology requires technology and security enterprises to keep pace with the times, continuously develop and strengthen their own strength, and meet multiple challenges. The widespread popularity of mobile phones brings convenience to people, but also brings new problems of communication security and confidentiality.

Eavesdropping, leaks, cheating in exam rooms, medical malpractice, gas station explosions, etc. are emerging one after another, and the status of accelerating Microwave Vs Cell Phone Blocker social life in China is becoming more and more important. promotion and use. Mainly used in examination rooms, prisons, gas stations, mobile phone bulletproof, oil depots, liquefied gas stations, detention centers, interrogation rooms, courts, labor camps, conference rooms, theaters, churches, libraries, school dormitories, special security and confidential occasions (confidential offices , negotiation rooms, mobile vehicles, mobile dignitaries and business dignitaries) scenes, etc., the status of mobile phone signal jammers in social life is becoming more and more important.