Secret Service Cell Phone Blocker

According to reports, in the city's college entrance examination last year, seven or eight candidates brought their mobile phones into the examination room and forgot to turn them off. As a result, the voice of the phone rang in the examination room. Dean Shen reminded candidates not to bring their mobile phones into the examination room. If you forget to bring your mobile phone into the test room, you must give it to the invigilator before the test starts. Otherwise, once found by the invigilator, it will be punished as a disciplinary violation. In addition, Shanghai has established examination integrity files since last year. Once the candidates violate the rules or break the trust, they will pay a heavy price when they retake the national education examinations such as the general college entrance examination, the adult college entrance examination, the postgraduate examination and the self-study examination. This integrity record will also become an important basis for the school to admit candidates. In order to prevent candidates from cheating in the college entrance examination, admissions offices all over the country have come up with various measures. Secret Service Cell Phone Blocker Because of its powerful electromagnetic signal interference function, since last year, it has been used by various examination management agencies as a technical means to prevent college entrance examination candidates from cheating.

Following the installation of some test centers in Shandong, Heilongjiang, Liaoning and other provinces and cities last year, the admissions offices of Gansu, Nanjing, Jiangsu and other provinces and cities also released news this year, "In order to prevent large-scale fraud in the test centers, we plan to install mobile phones in each test center. Jammers.". Some commentators believe that the use of the college entrance examinationSecret Service Cell Phone Blocker violates the health and right to know of the majority of candidates and their parents. Because over the years, with the ubiquity of mobile jammers, Mr. Tang, the founder of my country's first mobile jammer and an engineer from Tsinghua University, firmly opposed the use of such mobile devices in examination rooms and schools cell phone jammer . "Because it does affect people's normal thinking!" Although there are many criticisms in this regard, it does not really point to the dead end of mobile phone jammers in the college entrance examination. Because on the one hand, the parties can easily obtain approval on the grounds required by the management to obtain legality; on the other hand, the relevant parties will repeatedly emphasize that the mobile phone jammer is safe and harmless based on the consideration of a certain installation distance. .