Cell Phone Signal Jammer Locator

The frequent adjustments of real estate policies and the greater wait-and-see sentiment among customers in the market have caused the second-hand housing transaction market to become sluggish. Under this circumstance, the competition for customers by intermediary companies has reached a fierce degree. In order to prevent clients from being "spoiled" by their peers when signing contracts, some real estate agencies actually used Cell Phone Signal Jammer Locator which was originally used in the examination room to prevent candidates from cheating to interfere with the signal. According to reports, in recent years, due to rising housing prices, real estate agencies have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, and real estate brokers fight for customer resources. Old salesmen can maintain their business volume by virtue of their own customer relationships, but new salesmen who have recently joined the company are very busy. It's hard to get over this difficulty. In this case, the salesman can only do everything possible to "grab" the listings. The reporter saw in a neighborhood in Paoya that a street of several tens of meters was packed with more than a dozen housing intermediary companies. The listings, customer information, and service content owned by these intermediary companies were basically the same. It is reported that intermediary employees often have a basic salary of about 1,000 yuan, and the rest are mainly based on commissions. cell phone jammer

This has resulted in the blind development and disorderly competition of the intermediary industry. It is commonplace in the intermediary industry to entrust multiple intermediaries to sell a house for a house, and to entrust multiple intermediaries to find a house for a client. Due to the leakage of owner information, many owners who intend to sell houses receive calls from several intermediary salespersons every day to "harass", "Does your house sell? Then do you still buy it?" In addition to peer competition, the real estate intermediary The competition is also fierce. In most real estate agencies, companies encourage competition among employees, but due to the lack of standardized management, the competition is somewhat disorderly. At present, the person in charge of each area of ​​the real estate agency or the store manager, the year-end commission is linked to the performance. Therefore, the person in charge or store manager of these areas Cell Phone Signal Jammer Locator is almost "everything" must be contended. Under this circumstance, phenomena such as scrambled orders between departments and employees slander privately, etc. happen from time to time. Real estate agencies encourage or allow employees to "grab orders", the most direct consequence is to push up housing prices. The salespersons of some intermediary companies still "grab the order" when they know that the real estate has buyer customers. As long as they do not sign the sale and purchase contract, they use "sell at a higher price" as the bait to make the seller sign the real estate sale and purchase contract with other customers, thus pushing up the price of the house. .