How To Make Mini Cell Phone Jammer

When checking whether the mobile phone is blocked, you should pay attention not to just check the signal grid number on the mobile phone, because the signal grid number on the mobile phone is sometimes false and does not represent the current mobile phone communication situation. At this time, we must not draw conclusions too early. This How To Make Mini Cell Phone Jammer has no effect. Instead, you should dial the cell phone intermittently. You can try to dial a local toll-free number or a fixed landline number. If the call fails, it is judged to be still in the shielding range. Otherwise, the shielding range is exceeded. After the multiple frequency bands are all tested, the shortest shielding radius of a certain frequency band is selected as the effective shielding radius of the mobile phone signal jammer in this area. The position can be estimated based on this when carrying out a large-area honeycomb layout. cell phone jammer

Signal jammer devices transmit at the same radio frequency as mobile phones. It interrupts the communication between the mobile phone and the base station in the tower. Interference is also called a denial of service attack because it refuses to provide radio signals to users in the area covered by the interfering device. Currently, there are different types of How To Make Mini Cell Phone Jammer on the market. Some devices can only block one frequency, while others can block multiple types of networks at the same time. The latter can automatically switch from different networks to find open signals. High-end devices can shield all frequencies at the same time, while other devices can be tuned to specific frequencies. Simply put, they emit random static electricity or noise at various frequencies, and devices that are powerful enough to be close to them cannot connect to the connections they should. It's a bit like opening the hood next to the engine of a sports car and trying to talk to someone on the phone. The local noise becomes too strong,