Cell Phone Jammer Pcb

Power Cell Phone Jammer Pcb is a product developed according to market demand, using special advanced technology. The principle is that the signal of the transmitter or instrument is modulated between the two sides by the semiconductor device, isolated and converted by the optical or magnetic sensor, and then demodulated and converted back to the original signal before isolation. At the same time, the Power of the signal is isolated to ensure the converted signal. The signal and Power supply are absolutely independent. When it is in working condition, it can form a shielding magnetic field within the specified range, so that the mobile phone cannot be taken out and accessed, thereby achieving the purpose of compulsory prohibition of using mobile phones, completely solving the various hazards brought by mobile phones, and enabling people to enjoy high Technology brings convenience to people without causing interference to the surrounding environment, and completely eliminates the possibility of prisoners using mobile phones to communicate. cell phone jammer It can also block some cell phone signals and wifi signals.

Cell Phone Jammer Pcb

Everyone is discussing the 5G Cell Phone Jammer Pcb issue recently, and they all think that 5G will be available soon. Now it will be a disadvantage to purchase a signal jammer, and it may not work for a long time. At that time, you will have to spend a lot of money to re-purchase. Therefore, many users are holding a wait-and-see attitude. When will 5G be available, and whether it is appropriate to purchase 4G signal jammers?